High-Resolution Study ofNb92by (d,t) and (d,tγ) Reactions

The reaction Nb93(d,t)Nb92 has been studied with a deuteron beam of 17 MeV. Reaction tritons were momentum-analyzed by the Enge split-pole spectrograph and detected by position-sensitive counters as well as nuclear emulsions placed along the focal plane of the spectrograph. The experimental energy resolution was ∼8 keV full width at half-maximum. Up to 3 MeV in excitation, approximately 50 states of Nb92 have been identified including the 6 previously known low-lying states. Angular distributions for 40 of these triton groups were obtained and l-transfer values for the neutron pickup to the corresponding states in Nb92 were assigned by comparison with distorted-wave calculations. A previous classification of the lowest six positive-parity states as belonging to the (1g92 π2d52 ν) multiplet is confirmed. As there are ambiguities in the assignment of spins to some members of this multiplet on the basis of spectroscopic strengths alone, the electromagnetic-decay properties of the lowlying positive-parity states of Nb92 have been studied via the Nb93(d,tγ)Nb92 reaction. On the basis of the resulting decay scheme, spin assignments are made to the previously identified (1g92 π2d52 ν) multiplet of states. The 286-, 357-, 480-, and 500-keV states are assigned Jπ values of 3+, 5+, 4+, and 6+, respectively.