Professor Lousi Raymond is with the department of administration and economics at the university of Quebec at Trois-Riviers, Canada. The advent of low-cost yet poweful microcomputers and easy to use applications software resently allows any small enterprise to computerise itself at or near the time of its creation. As thefirst years are th most critical ones for th enterpreneur and his firm, it becomes important to understand better the role computer-based information systems can play during this period. specifically, is computerfisation acutallly a factor in the development of young firms? This paper presents the resulto of Quebec Canada, Within these firms, whose median and maxiuimu ages were 11 and 24 months respectvely, 64 (28)per cent were found to use computers alredy for operational and mangment purpose. the develment stages of the sampled enterprise was measured onvarious dimensions of organiation structure, function and effectivenss. Computeriation and inforation systems sophistication were found to be positively related to the organsaisational development of young firm when they are small but not whe nthey are very small.