The paracortical area in reactive lymph nodes demonstrating sinushistiocytosis

The enzyme and immunohistochemical features of lymphnodes showing sinus histiocytosis have been studied. Sinus histiocytes with phenotype OKM1+ 0KT4+ Leu3a+ To5+ OKIal showed strong acid phosphatase and non-specific esterase, weak endogenous peroxidase and no ATPase activities. In nine out of ten lymph nodes, paracortical collections of dendritic OKT6+ OKIal+ cells were observed. In two of the four cases studied these dendritic cells showed strong ATPase activity. We suggest that the dendritic OKT6+ OKIal+ ATPase+ interfollicular cells represent newly arrived veiled cells (VC) which have entered the lymph node by the afferent lymph, settled in the interfollicular area and are probably involved in the induction of a cellular immune response. OKT6+ OKIal+ ATPase+ VC may subsequently transform into mature, OKT6 OKIal+ ATPase+ interdigitating reticulum cells which are involved in the negative feedback of the cellular immune response. The association with sinus histiocytosis is probably related to the fact that an increase in mononuclear phagocytes in the afferent lymph is accompanied by a relative increase in VC. Our results demonstrate that in lymph nodes showing sinus histiocytosis, two cell types increase in number, i.e. an Ia sinusoidal cell, engaged in phagocytosis of foreign material, and an Ia+ dendritic cell in the interfollicular area, probably involved in the induction of a cellular immune response.