Mode of action of amphotericin b on chick embryo fibroblasts and on mouse ehrlich tumour cells: a cytological and cytochemical analysis

Chick embryo fibroblasts cultivated in vitro and Ehrlich ascites tumour cells (in vivo or in vitro) have been treated with amphotericin B. Cell multiplication is strongly inhibited. Large clear zones appear in the fibroblast nucleoli (phase-contrast and electron-microscope observations). Many treated fibroblasts and tumour cells have a high DNA content (pre-mitotic or polyploid level; measurements by cytophotometry). However, the RNA content (cytophotometry) and the total protein content (cytophotometry and micro-interferometry) are relatively low in the tumour cells. As shown by autoradiography, DNA synthesis is active but RNA synthesis and, in some cases, protein synthesis are inhibited. Due to this unbalanced growth, the cells cannot divide.