Morphological Transformation of Chinese Hamster Cells by Dibutyryl Adenosine Cyclic 3′:5′-Monophosphate and Testosterone

Treatment of Chinese hamster ovary cells in vitro with dibutyrl adenosine cyclic 3′:5′-monophosphate converts the culture from one of compact, randomly oriented cells that grow in multilayers to a monolayer of elongated, fibroblast-like cells growing parallel to one another. Testosterone propionate, which has a similar though smaller effect at high concentrations and after prolonged incubation, potentiates the action of dibutyryl cyclic AMP even when added at very low concentrations. The transformation is recognizable within one hour, affects cells throughout all or most of the life cycle, and is completely reversible. Both cell forms can reproduce, with approximately the same generation time. Agents like colcemid and vinblastine, which inhibit assembly of microtubules, prevent the transformation to the fibroblast-like form. It is postulated that the dibutyryl cyclic AMP and testosterone act by promoting organization of microtubules from protein monomers.