A brief review of literature on kernels ofCitrullus andCucumeropsis (‘egusi’ melon) species,Telfairia occidentalis (fluted pumpkin),Lagenaria (gourd) species all of Cucurbitaceae family and other oilseeds such asPentaclethra macrophylla (African oil bean),Parkia spp. (African locust bean) both of Mimosaceae family andButyrospermum paradoxum (shea butter) of Sapotaceae family which are grown and widely used as food in Nigeria is presented. The kernels of species of Cucurbitaceae form the bulk of unconventional oilseeds used for food in Nigeria. The nutritional value of some of the kernels and the physicochemical properties and storage stability of the oils obtained from them are discussed. The various consumable forms in which they exist are also described. The problems and prospects of these neglected oilseeds in Nigeria are highlighted.