Digital vascular imaging and selective renin sampling in evaluation of vascular anatomy in renal transplant recipients.

Sixty-five renal transplant recipients underwent digital vascular imaging of the graft and simultaneous selective venous sampling for plasma renin activity. Renal artery stenosis was found in seven patients but did not appear to be functionally important. Diffuse intrarenal arterial attenuation was found in seven patients and was associated with impaired graft function and perfusion; it may indicate chronic rejection. Lower pole hypoperfusion was found in nine patients without impaired graft function or perfusion; its clinical relevance is uncertain. Aneurysmal dilatation of the main renal artery was found in two patients. Severe hypertension was common in patients with these three major abnormalities, but a causal association between the abnormality and hypertension could rarely be inferred. It may be the abnormalities on digital vascular imaging, especially diffuse intrarenal arterial attenuation and lower pole hypoperfusion, are secondary to severe hypertension. Digital vascular imaging with simultaneous selective venous sampling for plasma renin activity is useful in evaluating the vascular anatomy of the grafted kidney and in assessing any abnormality found. The combined procedure was well tolerated by all patients with no complications and no incidence of acute tubular dysfunction or proteinuria after the investigation.