Transient TRH Deficiency after Prolonged Thyroid Hormone Therapy*

A patient who had been treated with large doses of thyroid hormone for several years developed features of secondary hypothyroidism after thyroid hormone withdrawal. These findings were low serum T4 (3.8 μg/dl), T3 (23 ng/dl), and a failure of serum TSH to rise after TRH injection. Serum PRL values rose normally after TRH administration, and evaluation of other pituitary hormones was normal. When retested 3 months later, at which time the serum T4 was 5.5 μg/dl, the patient was somewhat less hypothyroid and there was an exaggerated TSH response to exogenous TRH, indicating recovery of pituitary TSH reserve. Indirect assessment of endogenous TRH reserve capacity was consistent with impairment of endogenous TRH activity. Repeat studies performed 7 months later indicated some improvement in this indirect assessment of endogenous TRH reserve capacity but a continued exaggerated TSH response to exogenous TRH administration. Further testing at 28 months revealed a serum T4 value of 7.8 μg/dl and a serum T4 value of 141 ng/dl. At this time, the TSH response to TRH was normal and the patient was considered fully recovered. A causal relationship between high doses of thyroid hormone and the presumptive impairment of endogenous TRH reserve is suggested.