Experience with a Quantitative Test for Normal or Decreased Amounts of Follicle Stimulating Hormone in the Urine in Endocrinological Diagnosis

Use of the method of Heller and Heller with slight modifications revealed the following excretion levels of F.S.H.:[long dash]35 normal individuals, ages 20-45, more than 6.6 M.U:/24 hrs.; 10 patients with acromegaly[long dash]2 with normal excretion levels, 7 with decreased levels (attributed to destruction of basophil cells), and 1 with an increased excretion level (post-menopausal); 14 patients with panhypopituitarism, levels below 6.6 M.U./24 hrs.; 2 cases of primary amenor-rhea, decreased excretion; and 9 cases with clinical evidence of virtual lack of estrin production. In tests for excretion levels of F.S.H. it appears possible to divide cases of hypoestrinism into 3 categories: (a) ovarian hypoestrinism, a primary ovarian deficiency associated with increased excretion of F.S.H.; (b) pituitary hypoestrinism due to primary lack of production of F.S.H.; (c) hypothalamic hypoestrinism due to disturbance in the hypothalamo-pituitary nervous pathway and associated with a normal excretion level of F.S.H.