Possible Spin-Tripletf-Wave Pairing Due to Disconnected Fermi Surfaces In NaxCoO2·yH2O

We propose that the spin-triplet pairing mechanism due to disconnected Fermi surfaces proposed in our previous study [ Phys. Rev. B 63, 174507 (2001)] may be at work in a recently discovered superconductor NaxCoO2·yH2O. We introduce a single band effective model that takes into account the pocketlike Fermi surfaces along with the van Hove singularity near the K point found in the band calculation results. Applying the fluctuation exchange method and solving the linearized Éliashberg equation, the most dominant pairing is found to have spin-triplet f-wave symmetry, where the nodes of the gap function do not intersect the pocket Fermi surfaces. The presence of finite Tc is suggested in sharp contrast to cases when the gap nodes intersect the Fermi surface.