Photon noise and correlations in semiconductor cascade lasers

Ton density and in the carrier densities in different energy levels of a gain section. Fluctuations in the carrier densities are also coupled to the fluctuations in the current pumping the gain section. These current fluctuations are responsible for correlating fluctuations in the carrier density and also in the photon emission events in different gain sections. Al- though in this letter equations will be presented only for interband lasers, all the essential ideas are easily carried over to intersubband quantum cascade lasers.8 For interband la- sers with N different gain sections, using the notation of Ref. 9, photon density fluctuations dNP a in the ath optical cavity, carrier density fluctuations dNW j inside the quantum wells and density fluctuations dNB j in the barriers and cladding regions in the jth gain section can be described by linearized coupled Langevin rate equations, d dNB j