Bud and shoot development in Piceaengelmannii in response to cone induction treatments

Apical size, mitotic index and developmental anatomy, and lateral shoot mitotic index and cell elongation were assessed in potted ramets of Piceaengelmannii (Parry) under seven cone-induction treatments using various combinations of drought, heat, and gibberellin A4/7. In control trees lateral shoot elongation resulted primarily from cell divisions before vegetative bud flush and cell elongation following bud flush. The most rapid phase of shoot elongation occurred as the mitotic index decreased and cell elongation increased. The best cone induction occurred with treatments that retarded apical mitotic index and shifted the time of apical differentiation until lateral shoot elongation was completed or nearly completed. Most terminal apices resumed development when heat and gibberellin A4/7 treatments ended, but a few remained latent. There is a complex relationship among apical development, elongation of the subtending shoot, and reproductive bud differentiation that is not considered in most cone-induction treatments and often leads to quite variable results even within a species.

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