Modeling of antioxidant loss from polyolefins in hot‐water applications. I: Model and application to medium density polyethylene pipes

This paper is the first in a series of related papers describing the application of a diffusion/reaction model to the loss of antioxidants from polyolefins in hot‐water applications. The model, which is derived in detail, describes the time evolution of antioxidant concentration profiles in the exposed material in terms of adjustable parameters. The parameters describe the rates of diffusion, evaporation, extraction, and chemical reaction of antioxidant. Parameter values are determined by least‐squares fitting of the calculated concentration profiles to experimental profiles. The model is applied to a commercial medium density polyethylene pipe material, where antioxidant concentration data from thermal analysis is available for water/air (internal/external) exposure at three temperatures. A comparison of parameter values with literature data is undertaken. The temperature dependence of the parameters is considered and activation energies are compared with literature values. The relative importances of the loss mechanisms are discussed. The effect of boundary conditions on parameter values is considered by application of the model to a limited amount of available data for air/air and water/water exposures. The results indicate that for water/air exposure, extraction by the water phase is the dominating loss mechanism.