Statistical survey of 150 cases with sporotrichosis

A survey of 150 cases with sporotrichosis seen at the Dermatological Clinic of Kurume University Hospital from February 1962 to October 1986 was reported. The proportion of cases with sporotrichosis to the total number of outpatients was 0.17%. Greater percentage of cases fell into the less than 10 years old or more than 40 years old groups. The male to female ratio was 1∶1.46, and 38 cases occurred in farmers. Geographic distribution was remarkable, especially around the Chikugo and Yabe river. Sixty-four cases showed the cutaneous lymphangitic type and 85 cases the localized cutaneous type and one case atypical type. The face and upper extremities were the most affected. The sporotrichin test was positive in 117 of 131 cases. The causative organism was demonstrated in tissue sections in 69% of the cases.