The effect of temperature on sporotrichosis

The intraperitoneal and intracardiac innoculation of Sporotrichium schenckii to young male rats produced lesions in the bones of the paws and tail when the animals were kept at low ambient temperature (5–20° C). No lesions were seen in these sites in animals kept at 31° C. The maximum temperature for growth in vitro of the assayed strain was between 38 and 38.5° C. A patient with localized lymphatic sporotrichosis was cured after treatment with hot wet dressings. La inoculación intraperitoneal e intracardíaca de Sporotrichum schenckii a ratas machos jóvenes produjo lesiones de los huesos de los pies, manos y cola cuando los animales eran colocados en ambientes a baja temperatura: 5–20° C. No se observaron lesiones de los pies, manos y cola en los animales colocados en ambiente a 31° C. La temperatura maximal de crecimiento, in vitro, de la cepa inoculada estaba entre 38 y 38.5° C. Un enfermo con esporotricosis localizada linfangítica curó luego de tratamiento con fomentaciones calientes.