Assignment of genes for human monoamine oxidases A and B to the X chromosome

Monoclonal antibodies that immunoprecipitate human monoamine oxidase (MAO) A or human MAO B, but not the corresponding mouse enzymes, were used to assay for the presence of immunoprecipitable MAO A or MAO B (presumably coded by the respective human genes) in mouse-human hybrid somatic cell lines containing small numbers of human chromosomes. The results were as follow: (1) Extracts of a human lymphoblastoid x mouse hepatoma hybrid line that retained the human X chromosome contained immunoprecipitable MAO B, while a similar hybrid line that contained the same human chromosomes, except for the human X, did not. (2) Extracts of a human fibroblast x mouse neuroblastoma hybrid cell line, whose human chromosomal material consisted solely of the X, contained both immunoprecipitable MAO A and MAO B. Extracts of a related hybrid line, whose human chromosomal material consisted solely of an autonomous fragment and a fragment translocated to a mouse chromosome, contained immunoprecipitable MAO A. However, the level of immunoprecipitable MAO B activity in extracts of this hybrid was low or undetectable. (3) Among extracts of 33 human fibroblast x mouse hepatoma hybrids that had been selected for expression of the X-linked human enzyme HPRT, 60% contained immunoprecipitable MAO B. This figure was comparable to the 58% that expressed the X-linked human isozyme for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD). When 11 of these hybrid lines, which contained immunoprecipitable MAO B and human HPRT, were selected for loss of HPRT, all lost immunoprecipitable MAO B in addition to HPRT. These data demonstrate that genes controlling the expression of MAO A and MAO B, which can be immunoprecipited with the human-specific monoclonal antibodies, are located on the human X chromosome. Properties of the immunological epitopes recognized by the monoclonal antibodies suggest that the X-linked genes detected in this study are probably structural genes for the enzymes.