Body size‐associated survival and dispersal rates of Aedes aegypti in Rio de Janeiro

The daily survival rate of Aedes aegypti (L) (Diptera: Culicidae) is one of the most important parameters in mathematical models of dengue transmission. In this report, we evaluate the effect of adult body size on the survival and dispersal rates of male and female Ae. aegypti, the primary dengue vector in Brazil. Independent of larval diet (i.e. size), the daily survival rate of females recaptured in the field was greater than that of males (smaller: t = 5.617; d.f. = 15; P < 0.05; larger: t = 4.241; d.f. = 16; P < 0.05). Larger males lived longer than smaller males (t = 2.2893; d.f. = 7; P < 0.05), but no size effect was observed for females (t = - 0.086; d.f. = 19; P = 0.932). The daily survival rate of smaller females was similar to that of larger females (0.712 and 0.730, respectively, as calculated by an exponential model, and 0.743 and 0.779, respectively, calculated by a non-linear model), and they dispersed further than larger females (mean distances travelled were 78.8 m and 40.9 m, respectively; t = -10.22; d.f. = 323; P < 0.05). Adult body size did not influence male dispersal distances (t = 0.904; d.f. = 206; P = 0.367). Given our evidence that smaller females appear to have similar lifespans and evidence from other studies that they bite more frequently during a single gonotrophic cycle than larger females, our results suggest that smaller females have a higher vectorial capacity.