The wax material in the secretion of a scale insect,Ceroplastes pseudoceriferus Green was analyzed chemically with special interest to the composition of higher fatty acids and higher alcohols. The wax consists of 34.2% fatty acids, 27.1% unsaponifiable matter and 29.5% resin acids. The fatty acids were found to be a complex mixture of 15 normal acids ranging from C8 to C32. Of these, octacosanoic, triacontanoic and dotriacontanoic acids comprise over 30% of the wax. Presence of relatively large amount of unsaturated fatty acids of the C18 series (2.8% of the wax) is of particular interest. From the unsaponifiable fraction, only one saturated straight chain aleohol, bexacosanol, was detected (2.7% of the original wax). The other unsaponifiable matter was considered to be cyclic or branched carbon chain, and consisted of at least 12 to 20 compounds. The resin acid fraction was also found to be a complex mixture of at least 13 to 14 components.

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