Serologische und immunologische Diagnostik der HIV-1-Infektion: Untersuchungen bei 198 Infizierten

Since 1985, a total of 4281 patients at the Department of Dermatology, University of Munich, were tested for HIV-1 antibodies. Using the ELISA test, 273 were found to be positive, of whom 198 were examined clinically. At the time of the first serological test, 76 of these 198 patients (38.4%) had no clinical symptoms, 98 (49.5%) had a lymphadenopathy syndrome, and 29 had the full-blown picture of AIDS (12.1%). The following additional tests were performed on the 198 patients: antibodies against virus envelope and core proteins, concentration of serum immunoglobulins G, A and M and .beta.2-microglobulin, absolute leukocyte and lymphocyte counts, T4/T8 ratio, and intracutaneous cellular immune reaction. Antibodies against virus envelope proteins were present in all the patients. Antibodies against virus core proteins were present in 82% of patients in the latent stage, 64% of patients with the lymphadenopathy syndrome, but only 45% of those with AIDS. Clearcut deviations within the three groups were also present with respect to serum levels of IgG and .beta.2-microglobulins, as well as the T4/T8 ratio and the intracutaneous reaction against recall-antigens.