Esterification of Cotton with Certain Monofunc tional Acid Chlorides and the Effect on Crease Recovery

It has been demonstrated that conditioned (dry) crease recovery of cotton fabric can be increased by partial esterification with monofunctional acid chlorides in dimethylform amide. In the range of C8 through C18 acid chlorides studied, the increase in dry-crease recovery varies linearly with the chain length of the added acyl group. Both odd- and even-numbered acyl groups and unsaturated and geometrical isomers have been con sidered. The unsaturated C18 acid chlorides, oleoyl and elaidoyl, were found to be more effective than saturated C18 acid at a similar D.S. The increase in conditioned crease recovery is suggested to be due to esterification in a nonaqueous medium at originally favored water adsorption sites in less ordered regions.