In situstudy of Fermi-level pinning onn- andp-type GaAs (001) grown by molecular-beam epitaxy using photoreflectance

We have conducted an in situ study of the Fermi-level pinning behavior of n- and p-type GaAs (001) surfaces in the ultrahigh-vacuum environment of a molecular-beam-epitaxy chamber using photoreflectance. As-grown surfaces as well as the effects of a few monolayers of arsenic deposition/desorption were investigated. The measured barrier heights of the as-grown n (VB,n)- and p (VB,p)-type samples (relative to their respective band edges) were 0.61 V (midgap pinning taking into account the photovoltaic effect) and 0.33 V, respectively The in situ deposition of a few monolayers of arsenic had no effect on VB,n but caused VB,p to increase to 0.60 V, i.e., midgap pinning. The desorption of the arsenic layers brought VB,p close to its as-grown value but had no effect on VB,n. These observations, together with earlier studies on similar but air-stabilized samples, provides evidence that As plays a crucial role in the formation of the surface Fermi levels.