High-Speed Quantum-Dot Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers

We report on recent progress in high-speed quantum-dot (QD) vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs). Advanced types of QD media allow an ultrahigh modal gain, avoid temperature depletion, and gain saturation effects. Temperature robustness up to 100degC for 0.96-1.25 mum range devices is realized in the continuous wave (cw) regime. An open eye 20 Gb/s operation with bit error rates better than 10-12 has been achieved in a temperature range 25degC - 85degC without current adjustment. A different approach for ultrahigh-speed operation is based on a combination of the VCSEL section, operating in the CW mode with an additional section of the device, which is electrooptically modulated under a reverse bias. The tuning of a resonance wavelength of the second section, caused by the electrooptic effect, affects the transmission of the system. The approach enables ultrahigh-speed signal modulation. 60 GHz electrical and ~35 GHz optical (limited by the photodetector response) bandwidths are realized.