A Scottish national mortality study assessing cause of death, quality of and variation in management of patients with testicular non-seminomatous germ-cell tumours

A detailed casenote review was performed on 55 patients registered with testicular non-seminomatous germ cell tumours (NSGCT) between 1983 and 1988 under the Scottish Cancer Registration Scheme and who had died by 1992. Details of all aspects of clinical management relating to their NSGCT and death details were extracted and summarised. An assessment was made on whether the patients' management had been optimal. An analysis of 5 year survival rates by the five Scottish oncology centres demonstrated significant differences between centres (range 70.4-94.2; chi 2 = 14.46, d.f. = 4, P = 0.006). Some patients in all centres were assessed as having received suboptimal treatment, but two centres performed less well than the other three. There is a suggestion that the number of patients treated suboptimally decreases with increasing number of patients seen, but this does not reach statistical significance.