Demonstration of Degenerating Nerve Fibers by a Modified Cajal Technic

Whole brains of cat were fixed in two changes of cold acetone (24 hours each) and embedded directly in paraffin. The degeneration time recommended is 5 days. Mounted sections 15–20 μ thick were deparaffined, washed in absolute alcohol and given successive treatments of 6 hours each with 1% ammoniated absolute alcohol and pure pyridine, washing well with distilled water between them and after the pyridine. Impregnation in 2% silver nitrate 12 hours at 30°C., rinsing in absolute alcohol and reducing in a 95% alcoholic solution of pyrogallol and formalin (3% and 5%) was followed by 50% alcohol, thorough washing in distilled water, toning in 1% gold chloride and intensification in 1% oxalic acid. Treatment in 10% sodium thiosulfate solution, washing, dehydrating and covering completed the procedure. Normal fibers, degenerating fibers and terminals were stained specifically.