On-line computation of cardiac output with the thermodilution method, using a digital minicomputer

In the present study, several techniques for calculating cardiac output were evaluated in order to find an accurate technique suitable for on-line digital computation. The thermodilution method was evaluated by different calculation techniques and by comparing these techniques with electromagnetic flowmeter values. Comparison of thermal dilution curves, manually calculated by the log-normal and the exponential assumption, showed a correlation coefficient of 0.978 between the two methods, the former values being 11% higher. The exponential method correlated very well with the technique, using a correction factor for injection errors (r = 0.999). Since the exponential technique correlated well with the electromagnetic values (r = 0.84) and since it was less complicated than the technique, using correction factors, this technique was chosen for automation. Comparison of exponential calculated thermodilution values with a digital computer and manually, showed a correlation coefficient of 0.991. Therefore, it was concluded that on-line computation of thermodilution curves improves the applicability of the thermodilution techniques as a means of measuring cardiac output.