Megakaryocyte progenitors in the bone marrow and peripheral blood of patients with myeloproliferative diseases

We studied the behavior in culture of megakaryocyte progenitor cells (CFU‐Mk) from peripheral blood (PB) and bone marrow (BM) cells in eight patients with myeloproliferative diseases (MPD). In seven patients we observed megakaryocyte (Mk) colony formation from PB cells, which were generated in the absence of any added stimulator and which did not increase after the addition of a source of Mk‐colony stimulating activity (CSA‐Mk). The number of BM CFU‐Mk was significantly higher in patients than in controls, and in seven out of eight patients the responsiveness to added CSA‐Mk was retained. Plasma obtained from six patients did not stimulate normal donors' BM target cells to form Mk colonies. These data demonstrate an expansion of the CFU‐Mk pool in MPD patients without increased plasma levels of CSA‐Mk, and suggest that PB and BM CFU‐Mk of MPD patients might have different kinetic properties.