Roles for early response cytokines duringEscherichia colipneumonia revealed by mice with combined deficiencies of all signaling receptors for TNF and IL-1

During infection, inflammation is essential for host defense, but it can injure tissues and compromise organ function. TNF-α and IL-1 (α and β) are early response cytokines that facilitate inflammation. To determine the roles of these cytokines with overlapping functions, we generated mice deficient in all of the three receptors mediating their effects (TNFR1, TNFR2, and IL-1RI). During Escherichia coli pneumonia, receptor deficiency decreased neutrophil recruitment and edema accumulation to half of the levels observed in wild-type mice. Thus these receptors contributed to maximal responses, but substantial inflammation progressed independently of them. Receptor deficiency compromised antibacterial efficacy for some infectious doses. Decreased ventilation during E. coli pneumonia was not affected by receptor deficiency. However, the loss of lung compliance during pneumonia was substantially attenuated by receptor deficiency. Thus during E. coli pneumonia in mice, the lack of signaling from TNF-α and IL-1 decreases inflammation and preserves lung compliance.