Do Graduated Compression Stockings and Pneumatic Boots Have an Additive Effect on the Peak Velocity of Venous Blood Flow?

• Graduated compression stockings and intermittent pneumatic compression boots reduce the incidence of deep vein thrombosis. Recent studies suggest that the simultaneous use of these devices may have a synergistic prophylactic effect; however, conflicting reports also exist. Using duplex imaging, we analyzed the effect on peak venous velocity in the superficial femoral vein produced by the individual and simultaneous use of graduated compression stockings and intermittent pneumatic compression boots. Normal volunteers and postoperative patients were examined. The use of intermittent pneumatic compression boots significantly increased the peak venous velocity relative to rest, whereas the use of graduated compression stockings did not alter the peak venous velocity. Also, the addition of graduated compression stockings to legs already being treated with intermittent pneumatic compression boots did not produce a further augmentation of peak venous velocity. This study demonstrates that the simultaneous use of graduated compression stockings and intermittent pneumatic compression boots does not produce a synergistic augmentation of peak venous velocity in the superficial femoral vein. (Arch Surg. 1992;127:727-730)