Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on Amino Acids in Whole Wheat

Four low-protein (10.3%) and 4 high-protein (16.5%) wheat samples (Idaed) were analyzed by microbiological procedures for their content of different amino acids to determine the influence of protein content on amino acid composition of whole wheat. The high-protein samples contained significantly (P < 0.01) less lysine (expressed in percentage of crude protein) than did the low-protein wheat samples. The lower lysine content of crude protein resulted when nitrogen applications were made as late as the boot, flowering, or milk stages of wheat growth. The lysine content also appeared to vary with year or yield or both. Other changes in amino acid composition were indicated, but were not statistically significant. The data show that great differences in protein content of wheat were produced by nitrogen application, with only slight differences in the amino acid content of the total crude protein being observed. Even though some of the differences were statistically significant they are of doubtful practical importance.