Continuous-wave and pulsed EPR study of the negatively charged silicon vacancy with S=32 and C3v symmetry in n-type 4HSiC

The TV2a center, which was suggested to be the excited triplet state (S=1) of the neutral silicon vacancy related defect [Sörman et al., Phys. Rev. B 61, 2613 (2000)] in the electron-irradiated n-type 4HSiC has been studied by continuous wave and pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). The spin multiplicity of TV2a has been determined to be quartet (S=3/2) by the nutation method of pulsed EPR technique. From the temperature dependence of the signal intensity, it has been revealed that the TV2a spectrum is arising from an electronic ground state. From the measurement of the 13C hyperfine interactions of the nearest neighbors which has been enabled by the selective enhancement of the TV2a signals through the spin polarization by a laser light (808 nm) illumination, the center is unambiguously identified to be a single silicon vacancy. It is proposed that the center is a negatively charged silicon vacancy of C3v symmetry with the crystal field distorted slightly from regular tetrahedron. The triply degenerate t2 state of an electronic configuration a12t23 under Td symmetry splits into a1 and e by the distortion to C3v. The high spin configuration [a1e2 or e2a1] which reduces the electron repulsion energy is preferred rather than the low spin configuration expected from the symmetry-lowering crystal field alone. The important role of the many-electron effect in determining the ground-state configuration is demonstrated clearly by TV2a in which the electron-electron interactions (the electronic repulsion and the electron exchange) compete against the crystal-field splitting.