Reproductive Function in the Mimosoid Legume Acacia retinodes: Ultrastructural and Cytochemical Characteristics of Stigma Receptivity

The stigma of Acacia retinodes is receptive from the moment the flower opens (female phase). Receptivity, assessed in terms of pod set, is highest at flower opening, and lowest the following day (male phase). Stigma receptivity is associated with the acquisition of a heterogeneous stigma exudate, the components of which are secreted sequentially during differentiation. Cytochemical probes have tentatively identified the principal components as unsaturated and saturated lipids, free fatty acids, flavonoid aglycones, carbohydrates, proteins and phenolic compounds. The onset of male phase in unpollinated stigmas is associated with a breakdown of the plasma membrane and organelle membranes of stigma cells, and subsequently a browning reaction.