Perinatal diagnosis of passive ITP: Use of percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS)

Fetal blood samples can be obtained in utero by direct sampling of the umbilical cord vessels, using an ultrasound guided technique termed percutaneous umbilical sampling (PUBS). This procedure is being used more frequently in high risk pregnancies to obtain direct fetal laboratory data. In specialized centers, with trained personnel, the technique can be used with a high degree of safety and efficiency. Direct access to the fetal circulation can also allow an accurate determination of the fetal platelet count in cases of suspected fetal thrombocytopenia. The technique may be used to plan appropriate clinical management of maternal ITP as well as to diagnose the presence of fetal alloimmune thrombocytopenia. A logical strategy for obstetric management and evaluation of fetal risk can be planned. The procedure also has the potential to allow direct fetal treatment as has been the case in the management of severe fetal anemia.