Normal values of semen collected from Spanish goats by two methods.

During a 7-week compara-tive phase of this study, semen samples were collected weekly from 17 2-year-old Spanish goats by electroejaculation (EE) with a bipolar finger electrode and the artificial vagina (AV). The volume of the samples collected by AV and EE were 0.84 and 1.93 ml with a concentration of 2456.5 and 1197.0 X 106 sperm/ml, respectively. Only slightly more total sperm (300 X 10[degree]) were expelled as a result of EE and the motility was slightly less than those collected by the AV. The percent alive (80 and 87%) and morphologically normal sperm (93 and 94%) were both slightly higher for the samples collected by EE. In the 2nd phase, samples were collected weekly by EE from 12 additional males over a 120-week period. Average values of 2815 X 106 sperm per collection, 87% living sperm and 97% morphologically normal sperm were obtained. The males were approximately 3.5 years of age at the end of the 120-week collection period and, at that time, high quality semen was still being obtained with the total sperm production still increasing.