Unmagnetized diffusion for azimuthally symmetric wave and particle distributions

The general equations describing the quasi-linear diffusion of charged particles from resonant interactions with a spectrum of electrostatic waves are given, assuming the wave and particle distributions to be azimuthally symmetric. These equations apply when a magnetic field organizes the wave and particle distributions in space, but when the local interaction between the waves and particles can be evaluated assuming that no magnetic field is present. Such diffusion is, in general, two-dimensional and is similar to magnetized diffusion. The connection between the two types of diffusion is presented. In order to apply the general quasi-linear diffusion coefficients in pitch angle and speed, a specific particle-distribution model is assumed. An expression for the unmagnetized dielectric function is derived and evaluated for the assumed particle distribution model. It is found that slow-mode ion-sound waves are unstable for the range of plasma parameters considered. A qualitative interpretation of unmagnetized diffusion is presented. The diffusion coefficients are then evaluated for resonant ion interactions with ion-sound waves. The results illustrate how resonant ion diffusion rates vary with pitch angle and speed, and how the diffusion rates depend upon the distribution of wave energy in k–space. The results of this study have relevance for ion beam heating in the plasma-sheet boundary layer and upstream of the earth's bow shock.