Bindungstypen in der Stärke.

The hydrolysis of potato starch paste by 0.08 HCl at 100[degree] was followed by simultaneous measurement of rotation and reduction. Results showed that starch in addition to the known linkages contains also 1.4 and 1.6 linkages besides linkages of a 3d type. These results are in accord with the formation of 85-90% of 2,3,6-trimethylglucose on acid hydrolysis of methylated starch by the assumption of the presence of glucofuranose residues, which belong to the 1-5 linkages. The decomposition of potato starch paste by barley beta-amylase was similarly investigated. beta-Amylase formed finally a disaccharide and maltose from which must be concluded that in part of the starch which was attacked by beta-amylase, pyranose and furanose residues alternate. beta-Amylase splits the 1,5-bond between a pyranose and a furanose residue and opens the furanose ring, whereupon the intermediate product stabilizes itself to maltose.

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