SYNOPSISThe following new taxa of septate gregarines are established: METAMERIDAE fam. nov. includes generaMetameraDuke,DeutomeraBhatia & Setna, andCognettiagen. n., the last with the type and only speciesC. legeri(Cognetti de Martiis); family GREGARINIDAE Labbé includesDegiustiagen. n. with the type and only speciesD. hyallela(Batten & DeGiusti);Cirrigregarinagen. n., with the type speciesC. spissa(Henry) and another species,C. kamenote(Hoshide); andMolluskocystisgen. n., with the type and only speciesM. pterotracheae(Stuart). Family HIRMOCYSTIDAE (Grassé) includesArachnocystisgen. n., with the type speciesA. arachnoidea(Devdhar & Gourishankar) and 3 other speciesA. nitida(Geus),A. oribatidae(Geus),A. scutovertexi(Erhardová). Family ACTINOCEPHALIDAE (Léger), subfamily Actinocephalinae (Léger), includesChilogregarinagen. n., with the type speciesC. striata(Léger & Duboscq) and 3 other speciesC. brasiliensis(Pinto),C. dujardini(Schneider), andC. stella(Léger).