An immunoperoxidase method applied to the diagnosis of equine herpesvirus abortion, using conventional and rapid microwave techniques

Summary: An indirect immunoperoxidase (IMP) technique was applied to cryostat and paraffin sections of liver from ten aborted equine foetuses. Equid herpesvirus type 1 (EHV‐1) had been isolated from seven of them and EHV‐4 from one: the remaining two were virologically negative and were not used as controls. In the eight virus‐infected cases the immunostaining revealed foci of cells exhibiting a distinct brown cytoplasmic and inclusion body pigmentation. No specific signal was present in the non‐infected controls. The method also was adapted for incubation in a microwave oven, which allowed the total length of the procedure to be reduced to a minimum of 35 mins for cryostat sections, without significant loss of signal.