General sequence of the host finding behavior of female Apanteles kariyai WATANABE was observed. When a female A. kariyai found either feeding traces, exuviae or frass of a host larvae on a corn leaf, she exhibited an intense antennal contact behavior toward these materials. Chemical properties of the arresting stimuli for A. kariyai produced by the host larvae were investigated. Bioassay using a paper disc impregnated with extract from the exuviae or frass showed that the arresting stimuli was present in the material derived from the host larvae. Secretion left on the feeding traces was also tested for its arresting activity. The extracts from three different sources were separately purified by column chromatography under the same condition and the arrestant appeared to have the same chemical properties. Presence of the same arrestant in the feeding trace, frass and exuviae of P. separata larvae is of particular interest.