Ion implantation and annealing of undoped (Al,Ga)As/GaAs heterostructures

Electrical measurements of n+‐GaAs/π‐(Al,Ga)As/π‐GaAs semiconductor‐insulator‐semiconductor (SIS) heterostructure capacitors and field‐effect transistors (FET’s) show that the (Al,Ga)As/GaAs heterojunction abruptness is well preserved for an arsine flash anneal of 1 s at temperatures up to ∼900 °C. The heterostructure stability is also preserved for a low‐dose silicon implant across the (Al,Ga)As/GaAs heterojunction and subsequent annealing. Arsenic overpressure is found to be necessary, even for short time annealing, to prevent excessive As loss from a GaAs or (Al,Ga)As surface. High mobility enhance–deplete heterostructure SISFET’s with sharp current versus voltage (IV) turn‐on characteristics have been fabricated using ion implantation and arsine flash anneal.