Transient nonlinear conduction and switching due to charge-density waves in Fe-doped NbSe3

Measurements of hysteresis, switching, and overshoot in the non-Ohmic conductivity of Fe-doped NbSe3 single crystals have been made in the temperature range 20-120 K. Crystals of Fe0.03NbSe3 show two nonlinear thresholds in the I vs V curve with substantial hysteresis centered on each nonlinear threshold. Fast-pulse experiments also show two nonlinear thresholds, both producing an initially slow-rising nonlinear pulse followed by squaring of the pulse at input amplitudes substantially above threshold. Application of successive negative and positive pulses gives rise to overshoot phenomena as observed in pure NbSe3, except that two separate overshoot responses are observed corresponding to each separate threshold. Both the overshoot phenomena and hysteresis reach maximum amplitude in the range 45-50 K, and substantial thermal activation is indicated. The higher threshold shows the largest and most complex hysteresis, with multiple nonlinear transitions and intermediate states. The nonlinear response is characteristic of domain-wall motion in the presence of impurities and two distinct charge-density-wave (CDW) pinning strengths or domain structures are indicated. At Fe concentrations below 3 at.%, a variable combination of the two separate thresholds and hysteresis loops is observed, often leading to a distribution of multiple thresholds and a spread of hysteretic segments in the I vs V curve. The complex nonlinear phenomena observed are associated with the low-temperature CDW and decrease rapidly between 54 and 59 K as the CDW amplitude decreases close to the transition. The lifetime of the metastable nonlinear conducting states shows a rapid temperature dependence and gives rise to complex excitation and decay modes. Between 59 and 144 K, where only the high-temperature CDW is present, the Fe-doped NbSe3 does not show nonlinear response up to at least 200 mV/cm and no metastable effects have yet been observed.