On the origin of auger lineshape in heavy ion-light solid target collisions

The problem of Auger line narrowness observed from light elements such as Mg, Al, Si bombarded by heavy particles is examined. For this, two experimental studies were made.The study of energy-resolved polar angular distributions of secondary electrons emitted from polycrystalline targets shows that the Auger electrons belonging to the L23 M1*M23* peak are distributed according to a cosine law, not a spherical one.On the other hand, the Auger spectra (of the same elements) arising from just the incident electron beam, when the sample is bombarded simultaneously by heavy ions and electrons, keep identical features to those observed when the sample is only irradiated by incident electrons.These results lead to the following conclusions: the Auger line narrowness can be explained neither by an emission from excited sputtered atoms nor by radiation damage created by ionic bombardment.The valence band electrons are assumed to be localized due to coupling between the displacement of the charged ionic core and the screening electron energy states