Flow cytometric analysis and sorting of plant chromosomes from Petunia hybrida protoplasts

A method to obtain a high metaphase index and therafter a plant chromosome suspension is described for Petunia hybrida (2n = 14). Mesophyll protoplast cultures have been used, giving easily disrupted cell walls and a high percentage of dividing cells after 42 h. On 2.5 mM colchicine‐treated cells, metaphase indexes reaching 10% were routinely obtained. The lysis medium in which the protoplast‐derived cells were disrupted was a simplified culture medium. After chromosome release, samples were stained with Hoechst 33342 dye and analysed by flow cytofluorometry. The histogram of fluorescence intensities included three peaks of metaphase chromosomes and a duplication of this flow karyotype provoked by “monochromatid chromosome.” This interpretation was established after flow sorting; micronuclei could also be observed and sorted. Of the 7 chromosomes, only the largest formed a distinct peak while the others were incompletely resolved, due to the similar DNA content of various chromosomes. Model distributions of Petunia hybrida chromosomes have been computed according to the relative chromosome length. The theoretical histograms indicated that low variability is indispensable for resolving distinctive chromosome peaks. The experimental flow karyotype was consistent with one of the models having CV of 2.5%.