Extrinsic- and intrinsic-defect creation in amorphousSiO2

We have studied the creation efficiency of various intrinsic and extrinsic defects in high-[OH] amorphous silica subjected to the ultraviolet emission from an O2 plasma or Co60 γ-ray radiation. Both oxygen-vacancy- and nitrogen-related defects are observed following γ-ray irradiation or ultraviolet exposure. The wavelength range responsible for defect creation is estimated to be 200≲λ≲300 nm (4≲Ephoton≲5.9 eV). The ultraviolet power output of the plasma estimated by comparing defect yields with those from a Hg lamp (λ=185 and 254 nm) suggests 200≲P≲900 mW cm2 for a plasma power density ∼300 mW cm3. Nonbridging oxygen-hole centers and hydrogen-related defect centers as well as methyl radical (CH3.) defects are observed after γ-ray irradiation but not after ultraviolet exposure. The efficiency of creation of the various defects is material dependent.