Room-temperature continuous-wave operation of InGaN multi-quantum-well-structure laser diodes with a long lifetime

The continuous-wave operation of InGaN multi-quantum-well-structure laser diodes (LDs) was demonstrated at room temperature with a lifetime of 24–40 min. The threshold current and the voltage of the LDs were 80 mA and 6.5 V, respectively. The laser emission was a fundamental single-mode emission with a peak wavelength of 400.23 nm and a full width at half-maximum of 0.002 nm. The beam full width at half-power values for the parallel and the perpendicular near-field patterns were 1.6 and 0.8 μm, respectively. Those of the far-field patterns were 6.8° and 33.6°, respectively. The carrier lifetime and the threshold carrier density were estimated to be 5 ns and 1×1020/cm3, respectively.