Sorbic acid diffusivity in relation to the composition of high and intermediate moisture model gels and foods

The diffusivity at infinite diffusant dilution (D0) of sorbic acid in high and intermediate moisture gels (with various substrates and water contents) and in three foods was evaluated. The determination of D0(25°C) was achieved by tridimensional diffusion in gels cubes or by monodimensional diffusion in infinite food columns. For the same substrate concentration by weight, D0 values of sorbic acid in concentrated sugar solutions decreased slightly when the molecular weight of the sugar was increased. When a liquid substrate such as glycerol was used, D0 values referred to equal concentrations by weight, were higher than in sugar solutions. The diffusion of sorbic acid is related, as a first approximation, to the water content rather than to the water activity of the diffusion medium.