A fully monolithic integrated 60 GHz receiver

A fully monolithic, 60-GHz GaAs receiver consisting of a single balanced microstrip mixer and a two-stage IF amplifier has been designed and fabricated. The complete receiver exhibited a conversion gain of 12.4 dB and an overall DSB noise figure of 9 dB for an IF frequency of 4 GHz. Similar results were obtained at a frequency of 51 GHz. The cutoff frequencies of the Schottky diodes were up to 2300 GHz, and mixer stages realized using these diodes showed a conversion loss of 6 dB and a noise figure (DSB) of 3.3 dB. Multifinger recessed gate MESFETs were used to realize a two stage IF amplifier at 4 GHz. The amplifier exhibited a gain of 20.6 dB and a minimum noise figure of 1.7 db.

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