Search for1pNeutron Strength inS31by the ReactionS32(He3,α)S31

Levels of S31 above Ex=4.5 MeV have been studied with 18-MeV He3 ions via the neutron-pickup reaction S32(He3,α)S31. The α particles were detected by position-sensitive counters placed along the focal plane of the spectrograph. The experimental energy resolution was 13-18 keV full width at half maximum and permitted the resolution of some multiplets that previously had been interpreted as single states. Strongly structured angular distributions for nine well-resolved α-particle groups were obtained over the angular range 7.5θ45°. The l values and spectroscopic factors for the transferred neutrons were extracted by comparison with distorted-wave calculations. The apparent absence of the bulk of the 1p neutron-pickup strength is discussed.

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