Production of C5a antagonist by synovial and peritoneal tissue fibroblasts

Fibroblasts grown from synovial and peritoneal tissues release into the medium an inhibitor of neutrophil chemotaxis. The inhibitor resembles the antagonist previously described in synovial and peritoneal fluids. It is a heat stable (56°C) protein of MW ∼40 kDa that counteracts the chemotactic activity of zymosan-activated serum or purified C5a but not the peptide chemoattractant F-met-leu-phe. No chemotactic inhibitor was detected in media from skin fibroblast cultures or in formal human sera. It is suggested that the inhibitor is produced locally by synovial and peritoneal fibroblasts and that it might play a role in the regulation of inflammation at sites lined with mesothelium.