The Effect of VVI Pacing and Resultant Atrioventricular Dyssynchrony on Segmental Volumes

Left and right ventricular volumes were monitored simultaneously in four anesthetized dogs by intracardiac impedance ventriculography during normal sinus rhythm, spontaneous ventricular rhythm, and VVI and VDD pacing. Cardiac output was found to increase with VVI pacing rate but remained somewhat lower than normal sinus or VDD values. The dissynchronous atrial contraction was found to distort the volume waveforms but had little effect on right ventricular volumes. Left atrial contraction had the greatest impact on left ventricular filling at near normal AV delays. Cardiac output during VDD pacing was found to be a maximum at 170 msec and decreased in three of four dogs at 220 msec. Examination of volume waveforms during “filling” indicates that the right ventricle is dominated by passive filling while the left ventricle demonstrates a large active or “fast” filling phase.