Stability of Pacing Threshold, Impedance, and R Wave Amplitude at Rest and During Exercise

The pacing threshold of the human heart may be altered by physiological factors such as physical exercise. These changes may influence the individual programming of a pacemaker, since pacemakers can be programmed at pulse amplitudes of 2.5 volts and less. We investigated 22 patients with a multiprogrammable ventricular demand pacemaker 3 months after implantation; 16 patients had received a steroid-eluting lead and six patients had an Elgiloy lead. Parameters measured at rest and immediately after exercise were: Voltage threshold at pulse durations between 0.05 and 0.6 ms, impedance, R wave amplitude and energy consumption for the pacing threshold at 0.5 ms pulse duration. All patients performed a symptom limited supine bicycle exercise test. None of the investigated parameters showed a significant difference between rest and exercise, neither for the steroid eluting lead nor for the Elgiloy lead. The data suggest that the individual programming of a pacemaker adapted to the measurements at rest is also reliable and safe during exercise.